
Thibaud Damy

Head of the French Referral Center for Cardiac Amyloidosis

Past president of French Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Group of the French Society of Cardiology and European Heart Failure Association.

Department of Cardiology, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France

Professor Damy’s main field of interests are heart failure and amyloidosis, extending from its epidemiology and physiopathology through to its diagnosis and treatment. His particular current interests include early cardiac diagnostic markers, from biology to imaging. He is a co-author of more than 2000 articles (half of them focusing on amyloidosis).

Thibaud Damy qualified in medicine at the University of Paris XI, Paris, France, in 1996. After a period of postgraduate cardiology training in several Parisian hospitals, he specialised in heart failure and cardiomyopathy and obtained his PhD on the effect of nitric oxide on heart failure at the University of Paris VII. Professor Damy subsequently took up a position as Senior Lecturer in Cardiology and Honorary Consultant Cardiologist at Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil, France, and later as Senior Research Fellow at the Academic Cardiology Department of Professor John G Cleland at the University of Hull, Hull, UK. In 2011, he was appointed Professor in Cardiology and became the Head of the Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy unit at Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France.

In 2009, Professor Damy created the “Mondor Amyloidosis Network”, which involves all the clinical facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of amyloidosis, in addition to a clinical research team. It rapidly became an important multidisciplinary network involving more than 40 healthcare professionals in the hospital. In 2014, they created the GRC Amyloid Research Institute. Since 2010, more than 5.900 patients have been referred to the centre for suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis and more than 2100 had a diagnosis confirmed. Professor Damy and his team created a wide educational programme to improve the knowledge and quality of life of the patients: Amylo Patient Education Program (Amylo-PEP). In 2017, the Mondor Amyloidosis Network was appointed as referral centre for cardiac amyloidosis by the French Health Ministry.